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Get paid to tricks tips earn money online. HOME; About; YourOwn [website] Posts Tagged ‘ gomezPeer ’ Cashgopher tips, tricks, details and cheats. Free download software cheat gomez peer Files at Software Informer. Using advanced, peer-to-peer distributed computing technology, the Gomez PEER combines the spare capacity of PCs around the world to measure the performance of Web sites.
So far, I have been trying cashgopher as new source of income. The innovative application definitely has success. I earn $0.47 – $0.70 each and every single day, without even, really doing anything! It is important to get referrals.

You should target the USA, CANADA, UK and AUSTRALIA the most, referrals in these areas receive almost 500% more $ than inhabitants from europe & 1000% more than inhabitants from the rest of the world. Cashgopher has been online since 1 september 2010. The amount of members is BOOMING. Get in while it’s still fresh!
I have eximined the application cashgopher.exe for spyware inclusions, & kernal hooks. None of these happen. Cashgopher is not a virus. It’s a lightweight mini “spyware” application. Don’t think this is negative.

How else would the owners be able to get leads? All websites and the whole internet is based on targeted advertising. The difference between cash gopher and general websites is that websites stay in the “virtual” box called your browser. Cash gopher maintains itself and creates a UDP and TCP connection directly with the master server of cashgopher, where it fetches appropriate advertisements. Read this cashgopher insight article with screenshots, video’s and a FULL report on activity cashgopher performs. This is hot NEW news!! Ever passed on?
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@ 1 september 2010 they launched their new site that work trough the basics of affiliate marketing. CashGopher is a website that empowers users to “let your computer work for you” and earn money by installing our downloadable software. CashGopher is extremely simple to use. You download and install the software, use your computer as you normally would, and make money while doing nothing.
While your computer is otherwise idle, CashGopher will at times perform various online “chores” and send the results of those chores back to the “Mother Gopher”, if you will. Think of the Mother Gopher as a huge computer that stores the results of all the chores performed by all of the CashGophers running around the world. Companies are willing to pay us for the right to harness the vast computing power that CashGopher provides, and we, in turn, pay a portion of that money to each of you. In addition, advertisers are willing to pay us for the right to serve targeted advertisements to everybody who’s running the CashGopher software. You see advertisements all the time while browsing the internet, right?
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Websites make billions of dollars a year serving you advertisements, and you get nothing in return. We figured you might want a piece of that pie. So we, in turn, pay a portion of our advertising revenues back to you.
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