Onna Kenshi Asuka Kenzan Isopure

Asuka kenzan shiren the wanderer gaiden

Jan 04, 2009 Furai no Shiren Gaiden Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan (J). Author Topic: Furai no Shiren Gaiden Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan (J). Furai no Shiren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan. Shiren Gaiden - Onna Kenshi Asuka Kenzan. Onnakenshi Asuka - Duration: 7.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but the game seems to come with a free mouse pad. Also this game is a contiuation of a series, which I'm pretty sure was never released in the US. I remember playing a japanese genesis rom that looked similar. Was fun, but got stuck due to the language barrier.

Asuka kenzan shiren the wanderer gaidenKenshi

Asuka Kenzan Shiren The Wanderer Gaiden

The game was an action rpg with some puzzle parts to it, if I remember correctly. Damn, I ordered this Sakura Taisen Online, but I guess with all the games that need attention, I can afford to wait.just like I can afford to wait for Headhunter since gameplay.com apparently screwed up my order. Today is just not my day.