Battlefield 3 English Language Pack

To change the language of Battlefield 3 for physical copies of the game, you will need to select the language that you want the game in during the installation process.

You can't change laguage on russian version. If you want english - you nedd to buy pricier european version of the game.

Battlefield 3 English Language Pack

You actually can. Not in-game though, but through editing your config file, when you do it- check your sound options, it should say Polish instead of Russian and your ingame VO will be in it's original English glory. Origin Battlefield 1 settings Game properties and set Polish language then in-game where you can set voices language set English. Dice said its a bug in Polish version so proably they will patch it in the future and block it.

This page has been created to help our customers get the RU version of Battlefield 3 to function in English. After you have downloaded and installed Battlefield 3, you will need to select the language that you want to play the game in. You can do this by editing the registry. STEP 1 Installing main Language Pack: NOTE: You must place both of the downloaded files into the following directory:.

English Language Pack Download

BATTLEFIELD 3 Data Win32 Loc STEP 2 Patch update Language Files: NOTE: You must place both of the downloaded files into the following directory:. BATTLEFIELD 3 Data Win32 Loc STEP 3: Once you’ve put the english language packs inside the installation folder, you can run our language changer, ( ) click ‘activate english’ and the game will function perfectly in english. Alternative method (manual) to change battlefield 3 language in the registry as an alternative to our language changer software:.

in Press Start, in the ‘Run’ box, type ‘regedit’ and press enter. browse to: 32 bit PC: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Electronic Arts Battlefield 3 64 bit PC: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Electronic Arts Battlefield 3 Just replace the highlighted fields: English: GDFBinaryenUS.dll Open Start, Run write Regedit Enter. Find HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Origin Games DGR01609244 replace with the following.


Just replace the highlighted fields. English: enUS The game will now work in your language.